Visits & Talks

Opening Times

From 14th Mar 2024 – 24th Oct 2024

Thurs – OPEN 10am-4pm*
Fri – OPEN 10am-4pm
Sat – OPEN 10am-4pm


Open Garden Event for National Gardens Scheme

There will be plants for sale, refreshments, and picnic tables available. The garden spans one acre and features a variety of plants, including rare and unusual ones.

Visitors can take a guided tour or explore the stockbeds on their own. Additionally, there will be the  National Collection of Nerine Sarniensis cultivars.

Dogs on leads please.


We’re excited to share that we will continue to welcome you every Thursday.

However, from March to October 2024, the third Thursday of each month will be specifically for this event!



Come and see us

Charges for Group visits

We welcome groups to visit the nursery all year; in the depths of winter, on a rainy spring morning, on a warm summer’s evening, or on a misty autumn day. We can give you and your group (minimum 10 people) a talk or demonstration on almost anything plant related.

Please book in advance on 01386 833849 or get in touch using the form below. Parking space is limited but coaches are welcome.